Childhood to Adulthood; Changes in Your Body
When do I “Grow Up”?
Why am I Growing, what can affect my growth?
Hypophysis or Pituitary
Effects of somatoliberin
Healthy food that contains sources of calcium and other beneficial micronutrients
Of course, without alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes
Regular exercise
Sufficient amounts of sleep
What Makes Me A Woman or a Man?
The hormone testosterone and cells called sperm, are created in the testicles
The brain as the managing center for the production of sex hormones. In women, it sends signals to the ovaries.
development of the mammary gland
storage of fat tissue on the thighs and hips
growth of hair in the genital area and in the armpits
You are becoming stronger and taller, more muscular and you're growing. Some boys grow continuously, others rapidly and then their growth slows to a stop. Some may begin to grow at 18 years of age. The process of development is an individual one, everyone is different!
You will begin to grow hair around your reproductive organs -the penis and testicles- but also in your armpits, and on your chest, back and legs.
The genitals - the penis and the testicles - begin to grow.
Your skin and hair will become oilier. For this reason, most adolescents will wash their hair everyday.
Since your skin is oilier, it's important to use the right products. You definitely shouldn't wash it with regular soap. You may also develop acne which should be treated by a dermatologist.
CAREFUL! Deodorant and antiperspirant are not soap! First shower and then use these products.
Your breasts may become briefly larger, but this will go away with time
Your facial hair will also begin to grow. If you choose to do so, you can begin to shave regularly.
Your boyish voice will become deeper and it will crack. If this happens, don't pay any attention to it! Voice cracks are nothing to by ashamed of, just keep talking as if nothing happened.
Testosterone will also enlarge your larynx and will cause your vocal cords to lengthen and strengthen. The cartilage of the larynx can also become more prominent. The resulting bump on your neck is called an Adam's apple.
You may feel hungrier and you become a little chubbier. This is exactly why it is important to include both regular exercise and a healthy diet to your routine.
When do I Become an Adult?
You become an adult when you become responsible for your actions. When you're 16, your get your driver's permit, often times one of the first responsibilities you get, and when you turn 18, you officially become an adult.
The age of consent varies based on the country you live in.