How to Care for Your Body, Teeth, and What is a Preventative Check Up?
Body Hygiene

First shower, then use deodorant

It's also appropriate to frequently change your underwear and socks. Wear a fresh pair everyday
Male Hygiene

Do not forget to pull your foreskin over your glans and clean the white matter - smegma
Female Hygiene

When washing your vagina, you should move from front to back and NEVER from your anus toward your vagina. If you move back to front when washing or wiping, you risk contaminating your vagina with any feces that remained in your rectum. Feces contains bacteria that could then cause an infection.
We Love Our Body and Take Care of It

BE YOURSELF isn't just a catchphrase from Miss USA. This instruction means that a girl will be resistant to manipulation and will stay true to who she is.

Protection against the sun


Wash your face with warm water

Spread shaving cream on the places on your face where you want to shave (a walnut sized amount of shaving cream should be sufficient)

As you move the razor across your face, press it against your skin from the top of your face down to your chin. Don't shave side to side. When you shave your chin, shave up from your neck to your chin.

Rinse the shaved hair, shaving cream, and razor

Check if you have shaved evenly. If not, shave these places again

After shaving, wash your face with cold water. Dry it and treat it with aftershave.

Don't forget to use a new razor next time, if you used a disposable one
This process if simpler than shaving with a manual razor and doesn't require soap and water. While it's easier and you don't run the risk of cutting yourself, the shave won't be as smooth. That's why it's better to shave with a manual razor before big events like prom! If you choose to grow your facial hair longer, you can maintain the desired length with the electric razor.

Healthy follicle with a hair
Sebaceous gland

Clogged sebaceous gland

Spreading of the acne infection around the pimple, causing more pimples
Popping of a pimple from one side using a needle

Many young adults are ashamed of their acne and don't seek medical help. Without treatment they suffer from aesthetically unpleasant imperfections for much longer, than if they had seen the dermatologist right away.
Medication for acne from the dermatologist. This can be either liquid or cream

First brush your teeth with a normal toothbrush

… then with a single tuft toothbrush.

then with an interdental toothbrush…

check for perfectly clean teeth in the mirror…

…use a floss pick

… and with your tongue. Your teeth should be smooth as glass.

Take a soft toothbrush with dense short fibers…

… ideally, the handle should be long and the head shouldn't be flexible

… the brush should have bristles that are all the same length

Add a pea sized amount of tooth paste

For better orientation, some toothbrushes have an angled edge on the handle, so you brush your teeth at the correct angle. When this edge is parallel to the ground, the angle between the toothbrush and teeth is 45 degrees.
She will remove tartar
Recommend toothbrushes
Instruct you on how to brush your teeth

The toothbrush should be at an angle of 45 degrees and should be perpendicular to the tooth. Half the bristles should cover the tooth and half should cover the gums. Make small circles on the tooth.

On the inner side of your teeth, the brush should be centered on the tooth.

When brushing between your back most teeth, the toothbrush should be inserted into your mouth completely.

The chewing surfaces on your teeth are cleaned by repeated horizontal movements there and back.

Don't forget the back of your teeth

Preventative examination (boys)

Palpate your testicles once a week in the shower

Their surface should be smooth

If you feel any sort of bump or other changes, tell your doctor. They will refer you to a specialist
Preventative examination (girls)

- See your gynecologist once a year after your turn 18 OR when you become sexually active. Of course, if you have any problems, see them more often.
- Don't have unprotected sex the day before your visit. It isn't pleasant for doctors to remove sperm from the vagina.
- Don't use any kind of vaginal tablets before your visit. This could affect the results of certain tests.
- During your visit, your doctor will take a sample of cells from your cervix for cytology (examination of the cells). This procedure may be uncomfortable and cause some bleeding. Bring a pad just incase.
- Be prepared to tell your doctor the date of your last period.
- If you are a virgin, make sure to have a full bladder before your visit. The doctor will be able to better visualize your uterus through your abdomen. If the uterus cannot be visualized well through the abdomen, a rectal ultrasound may be performed.
- If you have had sex in the past, you should see your doctor with an empty bladder so your doctor can feel for the uterus.
- It's easier to see the gynecologist in a dress or skirt, so you don't have to take everything off.
- Start by visually examine your breasts in the mirror. This includes your arm pits! Start with your hands by your side and then life your arms. Pay close attention to any changes in shape, color, tension, etc. A warning sign of a problem is bleeding from the nipple.
- Then, start to feel your breasts (standing up and then lying down) with your hands. Feel each quadrant of your breast (upper right, lower right, upper left, lower left) in circular motions toward the areola. Feel for any kind of unevenness.
- Then examine your nipple and areola. By gently pressing, you can check for bleeding or any other secretion from your breast.
- Feel your underarms. There shouldn't be any lumps.
- Examine your breasts in the same manner while lying down.

Examination of the mammary gland in the mirror with your shoulders back

with your hands above your head

Examination of the armpits

Examination of the areola and nipple

Psychological Wellbeing

Try to get at least 9 hours of sleep.

Don't forget to eat breakfast!

Brush your teeth.

School or work

Learn how to rest and relax and how to surround yourself with the right people.

Write down a to-do list before bed, so these thoughts aren't running around in your head all night.

Don't eat two hours before bed.

Wash yourself before going to bed...

...and brush your teeth.

Try to tire yourself out before bed by reading a book instead of staring at a screen.

Will you box?

Will you go running or swimming?

Will you begin to breathe deeply?

Will you yell?

Will you sing?

Will you cry?

Will you confide in someone?

Do you recognize your emotions for what they are and will you distract yourself with another activity?

Will you write your feelings down?

Try confiding in someone you can trust, like a parent or friend! This person isn't someone you know only online, you should know them well and personally

If you are feeling anxious or scared over a period of more than 2 weeks, it may be a good idea to seek professional advice from a psychologist or a psychiatrist. They are specially trained to help you.